Morpheus 8 Radiofrequeny-Microneedling in New York, NY

As a non-surgical procedure, the Morpheus 8 device uses a powerful and an unmatched  radiofrequency energy with micro-needling for skin remodeling and is FDA cleared for soft tissue coagulation. It has minimal to no downtime and is safe and predictable on all skin types. In summation, Morpheus 8 is targeting the dermal and subdermal layers of skin and tissue to tighten, remodel and stimulate collagen production. Morpheus 8 has two powerful applicators designed specifically for the face and the body and offering a lot of versatility.   Depending on how aggressive the treatment is, a patient may have some faint bruising and/or redness and swelling for 48-72 hours.

Morpheus 8 treats:

  • Skin Tightening
  • Local isolated fat reduction
  • Acne lesions and scars
  • Surgical scars
  • Stretch marks (striae
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweat)

Key Benefits of Morpheus 8:

  • Deep and safe fractional treatment penetrating from 1000-7000 microns with an additional thermal profile of 1000+ microns.
  • Extremely uniform effect.
  • Little to no thermal damage to the Epidermis (outer layer of skin)
  • Safe on all skin types

Request A Consultation

To see if Morpheus 8 is right for you, contact our office at 212-472-8700.  Dr. Monasebian and the staff at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery are ready to assist you!


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