EarWell Pediatric Ear Molding

untitled 1 Statistics show that 20% to 35% of babies are born with ear deformities. Though there are many reasons why infants develop these ear defects, many go untreated. It is safe to assume that is due to parents unwilling to put a newborn through a cosmetic procedure, however, this surgery-free solution is pain free with over 90% corrective rates.

The EarWell Procedure

EarWell Infant Ear Correction is a noninvasive treatment for all types of infant ear deformities. The ear well procedure offers hope to thousands of infants suffering from mild to severe ear deformities.

How Is It Performed?

Untitled 2 The procedure is comprised of four separate components: a posterior shell and posterior component, helical rim retractors, conchal former, and the anterior shell. The posterior shell is designed to cradle the infant’s ear. The shell will stick to the skin behind the ear. The retractor will gently shape the rim of the ears, while the conchal former shapes the center of the ear. The anterior shell will hold all the components together on an infant’s ear. Once affixed to an infant’s ear, within the first few months of childbirth, the four components of EarWell gently reshape the cartilage of the deformed ear to the desired normal curvature, this typically takes about a month depending on the severity.

Does My Child Really NEED It?

Though EarWell Infant Correction is considered for cosmetic purposes, there is the possibility your insurance company may help cover cost of this procedure. This is due to the fact 70% of congenital ear deformities will not improve or may get worse as your infant ages. Research has proven ear deformities of any severity can impact a child’s physical and emotional development. If the decision to treat your child’s ear(s) is made too late a more invasive procedure later in their life may be the only options.

How Long Does It Last?

Short Answer: Forever. The effects of EarWell Infant Ear Correction are long lasting. Once the baby has successfully completed the treatment, there is no need to use EarWell again in the future.  

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Monasebian to Evaluate Your Infants Ears Before it’s Too Late.
| 212 472 8700 | info@parkavenueplasticsurgery.com |

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