A common misconception about liposuction is how it affects the skin around a treated area. Liposuction will not address sagging skin directly. Radiofrequency, however, will help tighten skin after a liposuction procedure and can be performed IMMEDIATELY after your surgery.
Pairing Morpheus 8 with surgery can accelerate a patient’s healing. While the body recovers from liposuction, the skin will recover from Morpheus 8. During the healing stage, the skin binds itself back to the treated area faster, making the appearance of the surgical outcome visible faster.
Another surgery that pairs well with Morpheus 8 is Blepharoplasty. Specifically, lower blepharoplasty is a reductive procedure in which skin and fat is removed in order to reduce lower eyelid wrinkles, skin redundancy, and fat bulges. After the procedure, Morpheus 8 can treat the under eye area to tighten skin and remove lingering fat pockets.
To learn more about pairing Morpheus 8 with surgeries contact our office today!
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