The Morpheus8’s Recent FDA Approval To Treat Underarm Sweating!

Dr. Monasebian and Park Avenue Plastic Surgery are pleased to announce The Morpheus8 is now FDA approved to treat underarm sweating.

Excessive sweating, can be devastating, leading to social embarrassment, as well as occupational, physical, and psychological distress. Morpheus8 is a fractional RF device with programmable penetration depth and energy delivery. The coated 24 needles can penetrate the various levels of dermis and subcutis, where sweat glands coils are localized coagulating the tissue and causing irreversible thermolysis of the glands structure.

With the release of the Morpheus8 handpiece, the ability to treat multiple layers of subdermal tissue, provides an outstanding chance to address not only the superficial eccrine glands, responsible for sweating, but also the deep apocrine ones, responsible for the odor, in a multilayer sub-dermal pattern.

Please schedule your consult today to see what Morpheus 8 can do for you!

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